Two-Hole Directional Coupler

This is a directional coupler with same main and auxiliary waveguides, but with two small holes that are common between them. These holes are λg/4λg/4distance apart where λg is the guide wavelength. The following figure shows the image of a two-hole directional coupler.

Two-hole Directional Coupler

A two-hole directional coupler is designed to meet the ideal requirement of directional coupler, which is to avoid back power. Some of the power while travelling between Port 1 and Port 2, escapes through the holes 1 and 2.

The magnitude of the power depends upon the dimensions of the holes. This leakage power at both the holes are in phase at hole 2, adding up the power contributing to the forward power Pf. However, it is out of phase at hole 1, cancelling each other and preventing the back power to occur.

Hence, the directivity of a directional coupler improves.

Waveguide Joints

As a waveguide system cannot be built in a single piece always, sometimes it is necessary to join different waveguides. This joining must be carefully done to prevent problems such as − Reflection effects, creation of standing waves, and increasing the attenuation, etc.

The waveguide joints besides avoiding irregularities, should also take care of E and H field patterns by not affecting them. There are many types of waveguide joints such as bolted flange, flange joint, choke joint, etc.

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