Telecommunication Network

A Telecommunication network is a group of systems that establishes a distant call. The switching systems are part of a telecommunication network.

The switching stations provide connection between different subscribers. Such switching systems can be grouped to form a telecommunication network. The switching systems are connected using lines called the Trunks. The lines that run to the Subscriber premises are called the Subscriber Lines.

The following figure shows a telecommunication network.


From the early to the later stages of the 20th Century (1900-80), when a person needed to make a distant call, the call was first routed to the operator at the nearest switching center and then the number and location of the called subscriber was noted down. Here, the job of the operator was to establish a call to the remote switching center and then recall the calling subscriber to establish the connection. This system of making calls was called the Trunk call system.

For example, a person at Hyderabad can book a trunk call to Mumbai and wait for the operator to call back when the operator establishes connection through the trunk lines and the switching systems.

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