E-H Plane Tee

An E-H Plane Tee junction is formed by attaching two simple waveguides one parallel and the other series, to a rectangular waveguide which already has two ports. This is also called as Magic Tee, or Hybrid or 3dB coupler.

The arms of rectangular waveguides make two ports called collinear portsi.e., Port 1 and Port 2, while the Port 3 is called as H-Arm or Sum port or Parallel port. Port 4 is called as E-Arm or Difference port or Series port.

The cross-sectional details of Magic Tee can be understood by the following figure.

Cross-sectional Magic Tee

The following figure shows the connection made by the side arms to the bi-directional waveguide to form both parallel and serial ports.

Magic Tee Junction


Characteristics of E-H Plane Tee

Properties of E-H Plane Tee


Applications of E-H Plane Tee

Some of the most common applications of E-H Plane Tee are as follows −

·        E-H Plane junction is used to measure the impedance − A null detector is connected to E-Arm port while the Microwave source is connected to H-Arm port. The collinear ports together with these ports make a bridge and the impedance measurement is done by balancing the bridge.

·        E-H Plane Tee is used as a duplexer − A duplexer is a circuit which works as both the transmitter and the receiver, using a single antenna for both purposes. Port 1 and 2 are used as receiver and transmitter where they are isolated and hence will not interfere. Antenna is connected to E-Arm port. A matched load is connected to H-Arm port, which provides no reflections. Now, there exists transmission or reception without any problem.

·        E-H Plane Tee is used as a mixer − E-Arm port is connected with antenna and the H-Arm port is connected with local oscillator. Port 2 has a matched load which has no reflections and port 1 has the mixer circuit, which gets half of the signal power and half of the oscillator power to produce IF frequency.

In addition to the above applications, an E-H Plane Tee junction is also used as Microwave bridge, Microwave discriminator, etc.

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