Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

This type of modulation is different from all modulations learnt so far. It is clear from the block diagram given at the top that it is a type of digital modulation. That is the signals here are sampled and sent in pulse form. A common feature among other techniques is that pulse code modulation also uses sampling technique. In this case, instead of sending a pulse train which is capable of continuously varying parameters, this type of generator produces a series of numbers or digits. Each digit in it represents the appropriate length of the sample at a particular instant.

Basic block diagram of its realisation is given below:

Advantages of PCM

  • It is mainly used in long distant communication.
  • Transmitter efficiency is more.
  • It has higher noise immunity when compared to other methods.

Disadvantages of PCM

  • More bandwidth is required when compared to analogue systems.
  • In this method encoding, decoding and quantisation of the circuit have to be done. This makes it more complex.

Applications of PCM

  • It is used in the satellite transmission system.
  • It is also used in space communication.
  • Used in Telephony.
  • One of the recent applications is the compact disc.

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